Put Children’s Rights on the Agenda (“Sæt børns rettigheder på skoleskemaet”) is a teaching material developed for teachers of the youngest and middle age groups of Greenland’s primary schools. It presents knowledge, activities and planning tools to introduce children to all corners of the UNs Child Rights Convention.
The material is available in Greenlandic and Danish and can be downloaded below.
The material was developed for MIO – Greenland’s Child Rights Institution and the Danish Institute for Human Rights, 2014, Maria Løkke Rasmussen, ISBN: 978-87-996098-5-7
Aaja Chemnitz, National Spokesperson for children in Greenland on the material: “The teaching material is tested by and with experienced teachers and student teachers and every school will receive three copies. My hope is that children’s rights with this material are not just something you learn about in personal development (PUV), but that it will also be integrated to other classes. Children’s rights are to a great extend about democracy, including learning to voice our own opinions as well as respecting the opinions of others. The material is aimed at children in primary school and provides the teachers with knowledge and concrete tools to teach children about their rights. The material contains facts for the teachers and suggestions to roleplays, dilemmas and exercises, that makes it fun for the children to learn about their rights. But we found in our travels along the shore that the material also can be used for the education of teachers, health workers and officers.”