The Civic Education Toolbox (“Medborger Værktøjs- kassen”) provides tools to citizenship education at primary school level. The material strengthens students and teachers in the fields of Rights & Co-responsibility, Community & Equality, Democracy & Participation. Five Danish schools in Herlev and Brøndby have helped to develop the material and tested it in their schools. The series consists of three tools with practical guides and activities for planning and conducting team meetings, teaching, student council meetings and other school activities.
Read a review here (in Danish)
The material consists of three materials, see below. The material was developed for Amondo and the Danish Institute for Human Rights, Mette Wybrandt & Maria Løkke Rasmussen, 2012.
Civic Learning Programmes

The Civic Learning Programmes guide teachers through the planning of shorter or longer civic education learning programmes in class or in the student council.
Target group: Primary schools intermediate level and student councils.
The material consists of a folder with teacher’s guide, teacher’s planning sheet and a catalogue with 26 learning activities.
The Civic Planning Wheel
The Civic Planning Wheel helps teachers plan a class routine which includes the pupils in democratic planning processes. It can be used as a routine in class hour/ class social time, as part of the teaching process or in the student council.
Target group: Primary schools intermediate level and student councils.
The material consists of a folder with teacher’s guide, teacher’s planning sheet, student’s planning sheet and five posters.

Civic Learning Environment

Civic Learning Environment is a meeting guide that guides teacher teams through a structured discussion on civic participation and education and suggests how teachers can develop the learning environment in class and school in order to strengthen student civic participation.
Target Group: Teacher teams.
The material consists of a folder with meeting guide and a teacher’s planning sheet.