Children’s Rights in the Education Process – Methods for middle school teachers is a teaching material developed for teachers in the Belarusian upper secondary schools. Here the teachers can find knowledge, activities and planning tools to incorporate all principles of UNs Convention on the Rights of the Child in the learning environment and the form and contents of their classes across all subjects.
Children’s Rights in the Education Process is developed with inputs from Belarusian teachers and NGOs, while Put Children’s Rights on the Agenda created for Greenlandic primary schools served as inspiration.
The material is available in a Belarusian and Russian language version, and is developed on behalf of the Danish Institute for Human Rights, 2017, Maria Løkke Rasmussen, ISBN: 978-87-93241-90-9
The Belarusian department of education has decided, that the manual will be a part of the official Belarusian teaching materials in 2019.